February 11, 2013

The Bright Side of Valentine's Day for Singles (Like Me)

Being single on Valentine's Day can really suck sometimes. While all other singles are complaining and declaring "forever alone" status (I feel you guys, don't worry.) I've chosen to look on the brighter side of things, these are the reasons why I actually like Valentine's Day even though I'm a single pringle (maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend?)

Valentine's Day Decorations/Themed Stuff

Any reason to decorate and bring some festivity and reason to celebrate, I'm all for it. I love seeing all the cut-out hearts and confetti everywhere! Especially Valentine's Day themed cakes, cupcakes and pies, they make them look extra delicious! It's so cute and just a reason to smile even if it is all commercialized and what-not. 


I love roses. I doubt I'll be getting one this year, but nonetheless I still love roses. They're one of my favourite flowers and they are beautiful and smell soooo good. Once February rolls around, they just pop up everywhere! Grocery stores, drug stores, florists are overflowing with them, even Costco has them! Think about roses as something that adds a little beauty to your day.   

Valentine's Day Cards



Remember in elementary school when everyone bought Scooby-Doo and Powerpuff Girls valentines? The teacher would have us decorate paper bags with our names on it and once everyone was done, we'd all rush up to drop in our cartoon valentines and hershey kisses. I remember carefully picking the perfect Valentine's Day card at the grocery store and then going home to spend hours writing them, folding them perfectly and putting stickers on them. Seeing these valentines are so nostalgic. I can't help but pick them up at the grocery store and smile like an idiot while someone behind me is trying to get by with their cart to the frozen food isle. 

Candy/Chocolate Sales 

Pretty much yeah....
I think this may be one of my favourite things about Valentine's Day. Once the 14th comes and goes, the 15th rolls around and this is when all the special Valentine's Day candy and chocolate that the store overstocks every year, goes on sale. And not just a mere few cents off, but I'm talking about 50%-70% off. It is quite simply, awesome. Cinnamon hearts are one of my favourite candies (which is weird since I hate cinnamon) and I can only find them during February, so a few days after Valentine's Day, I stock up a year's worth of cinnamon hearts to last me to next year. Think about all those heart shaped gummies and chocolate for some loose change.... Who needs a boyfriend when you got chocolate? 

So all my fellow single guys and girls, don't be moping on Thursday, think about the positive things that come out of this! Our time will come, don't worry (at least that's what I'm telling myself...)! Happy Valentine's Day/Cheap Candy and Chocolate Day Eve!  

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